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Sale i-23-150kg-400x400-Ms-iscale-CKN New

iScale i-23 Capacity 150kg x 20g Accuracy, Portable/ Mobile Digital Weighing Scale with Front Back Double Red Display & Detachable Handle, Heavy-Duty Mild Steel Pan,16×16″ for all Commercial Uses

5,039.00 5,999.00

Baijnath Premnath Dairy 1kg (1000gram) x 0.01g (10mg) Digital Jewelry Portable Weighing Scale(Not A Legal Scale for Commercial use)

863.00 1,149.00
Sale i-03

iScale i-03P: 30kg x 1g Chargeable Commercial Weighing Scale with Front & Pole Double Display, 7×9 Inch Pan, Calibration Certificate – Ideal for 5-10kg Weighing in Shops

2,939.00 2,999.00
Sale a115c1

Baijnath Premnath 500g x 0.01g (10mg), Gold & Silver ornaments and laboratory Research purpose Weighing Scale with Windshield cover and Direct power cable(Not A Legal Scale for Commercial use)

1,589.00 1,899.00
Sale dme3

Baijnath Premnath DM-3 500g x 0.01g (10mg) Digital Jewellery Weighing Scale, Gold & Silver Ornaments and Laboratories Weight Measuring Machine Weighing Scale {for Domestic & Research Purpose}(Not A Legal Scale for Commercial use)

869.00 1,099.00
Sale 350ms, 50kg

iScale Electronic Platform Weighing Scale 50Kg Capacity 5g Accuracy Weight Machine Digital for Shop, Commercial and Industrial use with Heavy-Duty Mild Steel Platform size 14×14 Inches (350x350mm)

4,319.00 5,499.00

iScale ISP-500M Capacity 500kg x 50g Accuracy,Electronic Weighing Scale with Front Back Double Display, MS Pan,24×24″ with RS232 Serial port for computer connectivity & continues data transmission

11,874.00 12,499.00

iScale ISP-200s Capacity 200kg x 20g Accuracy,Electronic Weighing Scale with Front Back Double Display, SS Pan,20×20″ with RS232 Serial port for computer connectivity & continues data transmission

9,499.00 9,999.00
Sale 400s resized

iScale ISP-100S-RS232, 100kg x 10g Accuracy,Electronic Weighing Scale with Front Back Double Display, SS Pan,16×16″ with RS232 Serial port for computer connectivity & continues data transmission

8,549.00 8,999.00
Sale 400m resized

iScale ISP-100M Capacity 100kg x 10g Accuracy,Electronic Weighing Scale with Front Back Double Display, MS Pan,16×16″ with RS232 Serial port for computer connectivity & continues data transmission

8,549.00 8,999.00
Sale Untitled-1 copy

iScale IST-30F 30kg x 1g, Premium Digital Scale with Front & back Display, SS Pan, 10×12″ for Shop, Factory and Commercial Purposes with RS232 Serial port for computer connectivity & data transfer

6,175.00 6,500.00

Baijnath Premnath Notebook 1kg (1000gram) x 0.01g (10mg) Digital Jewelry Portable Weighing Scale(Not A Legal Scale for Commercial use)

959.00 1,249.00